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Eating the Krakow Way. 

Polish daily diet of choice has been traditionally rich in proteins and even richer in starch. On the Krakow tables the former usually materializes in red meat, eggs, cheese, and sausages, whereas the latter as bread, potatoes, and various noodles, pies and dumplings.

There are three main meals in Poland: the morning sniadanie (a breakfast), the early afternoon obiad (a dinner/lunch), and the early evening kolacja (a supper). In between they may be supplemented with a lighter drugie sniadanie (the second breakfast) and a podwieczorek (tea). 


In Polish homes the first meal of the day usually proves fairly substantial. Bread topped with slices of any kind of sausage or cheese or ham, or spread with jam, is most popular. But it can be as well scrambled or soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal or hot frankfurters. Omelets, toasts and corn flakes are also fairly common. 

Since most Poles work till 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. they usually have their dinner next thing afterwards. On weekends it customarily comes earlier, i.e. anywhere between noon and 2 p.m. Typical obiad is a two-course exercise, where a soup precedes a meat dish with potatoes. Nowadays beef and–even more readily–poultry tend to replace traditional pork for the main course. Other vegetables besides potatoes often accompany the meat–fresh lettuce, cucumber, carrots or tomatoes, boiled cauliflower or carrots or cabbage, as well as all kinds of pickles and sauerkraut. Dessert, if any, comes habitually in the form of compote, often followed by a slice of cake or ice-creams. 

Polish everyday evening meal usually resembles the morning one. When formal, it is simply a dinner party.

Krakow cuisine 

Traditional Polish cuisine flows from the melting pot of diverse influences as befits country at the world crossroads, inhabited by traveled and novelty-happy entrepreneurs, merchants, soldiers and worldly gentry. In the metropolitan Krakow considerable contingents of immigrant Germans, Italians, Jews, Hungarians, Scotsmen, Czechs, Austrians, etc. also left their mark on the city’s menu over ages. Yet, in fact, sophisticated chefs at the royal court and the courts of Poland’s fabulously rich and many magnates seemed the true trendsetters, while Polish lesser nobility, famed in Europe for their love of lavish parties with plenty of best food and drink, followed suit. Anyway, medieval German influences, 16th-century Italian imports, 17th-century Oriental fads, 18th-century French vogues–all are traceable in contemporary Krakow cuisine. In the 19th c Krakow belonged to the Austrian Empire, thus heavy Vienna sways. And the last half-century’s massive influx from the countryside popularized folk cooking.

Traditional Polish cuisine at its best features abundance of domestic herbs and exotic spices. As hunting was the Polish favorite pastime, game dishes proved overly popular. The same wild mushrooms. Freshwater fish and crayfish used to supersede seafood in landlocked Krakow.

Dining out in Krakow.

The city is famous for the profusion of eateries. Restaurants in Krakow cater to all tastes. Typically, they merge local culinary traditions with foreign influences, Italian in the first place. Although haute cuisine may be pricey, one may eat in Krakow fairly cheaply and steer clear of fast foods at the same time. On the other hand, lovers of hamburgers, pizzas, and kebabs can easily find places serving their favorite fare anywhere in the downtown.     

Good Krakow Restaurants
Krakow is Poland’s mecca of gourmets thanks to its many excellent restaurants.

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