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International Culture Center in Krakow

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Krakow's International Culture Center  

The International Culture Center (Miedzynarodowe Centrum Kultury) in Krakow has its seat at 25 Rynek Glowny central square, the Grand Square in the heart of the Old Town historical district. It was founded in 1990 to facilitate the intercourse between peoples of different cultures. And ever since then its main field of interest has been the cultural heritage of the Central Europe. 


Wide scope of activities 

Krakow's International Culture Center engages in a wide range of activities: from research to education to art presentation to information services. Besides various conferences and numerous publications there are such programs as the yearly College for New Europe which has regularly brought young people to Krakow from every part of Europe and the USA. 

Seat of the International Culture Center in Krakow 

The House under Ravens (Dom Pod Krukami), home to the International Culture Center, was converted from two medieval buildings in the late 19th century. It has underwent thorough refurbishment in the early 2000s. Its conference hall on the ground floor can seat some 200 and boasts the state-of-the-art equipment. Also the International Culture Center's art gallery upstairs has been enlarged. 

Exhibition facilities 

For years the gallery of the International Culture Center has been known in Krakow as the venue for interesting and often highly original exhibitions. Situated on the upper floor of the Center's building at 25 Rynek Glowny (Grand Square) it is accessible also to the disabled who may use a comfortable elevator. 

The gallery is open from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. 

Grand Square
Krakow’s central Grand Square (Rynek Glowny), the largest plaza of medieval Europe and one of the world’s finest with its spectacular landmarks, has remained the hub of the city since the 13th century.

Palace of Arts
Temple of Fine Arts from the turn of the 20th century.

Bunker of Arts
Bulwark of the newest art.

Manggha Japan Culture and Technology Center
Fine example of the world's newest architecture is the scene of numerous cultural events, and most have something to do with Japan.

Pod Baranami Cabaret
Poland's cult venue for high-brow entertainment.

Jama Michalika Cafe
Century-old Bohemian hideout in its 1908 Art Noveau splendor.

Center for Jewish Culture
19th-century prayer house turned modern cultural venue safeguards and presents heritage of Poland’s Jews.

Villa Decius
Almost perfect Renaissance Italian villa shelters Krakow's European Academy.

Krakow in Poland

Krakow's Hot Spots

Art galleries in Krakow

Krakow central square

Krakow congress hall

Krakow Arena

Palace of Arts

Bunker of Arts

Manggha Japan Culture and Technology Center

Pod Baranami Cabaret

Jama Michalika Cafe

Center for Jewish Culture

Villa Decius

Krakow's Sanctuary of Divine Mercy


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