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Touring old Krakow's streets in a carriage (Kanonicza street)

Touring the Old Town on Wheels.  

Krakow’s landmarks are situated mostly within easy walking distance from one another and the bulk of the city’s historical area has been turned into a pedestrian precinct (click to see map). But you can roam the Old Town district driven in a carriage, an electric cart or a cycle rickshaw. And some opt for freedom a rented bicycle in Krakow allows. 


Museums on Wheels. 

An old streetcar, turned into a mobile cafe, cruises Krakow's historic city center from time to time. Other vintage trams run round the Old Town historical district and alongside Blonia common in July and August.

Also, there are organized rail journeys in period trains pulled by a steam engine between Krakow and the Railroad Museum Park in Chabowka, some sixty km south. 

Sailing through Krakow.

Wisla (Vistula) river is Krakow’s sole waterway. Spring through autumn pleasure boats navigate it upstream through picturesque landscape to Bielany and Tyniec. Other affordable option is a river bus ('tramwaj wodny") that takes just several passengers. 


Horse Cabs.

Day and evening, open carriages await passengers at Krakow’s central Rynek Glowny grand square, practically all the year round. They queue alongside the square’s northern edge. The fare is around an equivalent of euro 30-40 per hour (half the amount for a half hour) and you may bargain. Customer determines the route.

Electric carts.

Electric carts are available early spring through late autumn. They are parked on the corner of Plac Mariacki and Florianska street by the basilica of the Virgin Mary (Kosciol Mariacki) at Krakow’s central Rynek Glowny grand square as well as other places in the Old Town. Taped guided tours are most popular with customers but you may also hire a cart and ask the driver to follow your own route. One may circle the Rynek Glowny square for an equivalent of roughly two euro. A half-hour ride costs an equivalent of some ten euro, while an hour’s one is 15 euro or so.

Pleasure boats.

May through September small double-deck pleasure boats leave from landings on the Wisla river bank near the Wawel Royal Castle. Between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on weekdays, and from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends, the vessels take passengers for an hour-long excursion upstream by the St. Norbert’s Convent towards the Tyniec Abbey and the Bielany Monastery atop hills on opposite banks of the Wisla river. And occasionally a jazz band may entertain those onboard with New Orleans’ standards. 

River bus 

In summer river buses (called 'tramwaj wodny') navigate on Wisla river between Dabie and Tyniec Abbey with stops at Zablocie, Galeria Kazimierz shopping mall, Wawel, and Tor Kajakarswa kayaking course. The entire ten-kilometer or so voyage upstream takes some ninety minutes, the same the way back downstream, but passengers may get off at any stop. River bus leaves from the Dabie landing at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 5 p.m. It sails back from the Tyniec stop at noon, 3:30 p.m., and 7 p.m.  

Krakow Afoot 

Travel to Krakow
Over four million visitors show up in Krakow every year. Many arrive by air, but most take advantage of the fact that Krakow lies at a major European road and rail junction.

Driving Car in Krakow
Parking zones and parking lots in the city center.

Krakow sightseeing tours
Basic Krakow info for visitors

Krakow Old Town Historical District
Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must-see in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants.

In the proximity of Krakow
Krakow is Poland's tourist mecca, and also a gateway to many other must-see sites in the region.

Map of the Main Roads in Krakow

City of Krakow map

Map of the Old Town Historic District

Hotels in Krakow

Good restaurants in Krakow

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