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If you want to come to study in Krakow 

Academic year breaks up into two semesters in Poland, the autumn one October 1-January 31 and the spring one February 15-June 24, with summer and winter vacations in between. Mandatory holidays are on November 1 (All Saints Day), November 11 (Independence Day), January 6 (Epiphany), May 1 (Labor Day), May 3 (Constitution Day), June 22 (Corpus Christi), plus the Christmas/New Year break from December 22 to January 2 and the Easter break.


As a rule an examination ends every single course. Grades result from the exams and/or papers students write. Studies culminate in the thesis based on author’s own research. On top of it students are to pass their final Master's examination.

Every student is issued with his record book (‘Indeks’ in Polish) where all his grades and credits are being entered throughout his studies.

Student's from the European Union 

Citizens of the EU's other member states as well as those of Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway may study in Poland on equal footing with its legal residents. They don't need a student visa. Also, they are entitled to enroll in tuition-free university courses as long as they meet standard requirements, including good command of Polish. 

Foreign students from the EU, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway need a renewable temporary residence card, called 'Karta pobytu obywatela UE' and valid for one year. Plus the document, which also covers the spouse and children, enables its bearer to get legal employment. The residence card is issued by the Department of Citizen Affairs and Foreigners (Wydzial Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemcow) of the Voivodeship Office (Polish "Malopolski Urzad Wojewodzki") at 6 ul. Przy Rondzie street (ground floor) on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. 



Yearly tuition starts at an equivalent of euro 2000 with Krakow universities charging differently for various kinds of studies. 

An equivalent of about 200 euro per year seems enough for books and the like.

Dormitory rate is an equivalent of roughly 50 euros per month (bed in a modest double room). Those who opt for living with a Polish family might pay euro 100-150 a month for a room. Reasonable flats in Krakow are let for anything between 200 euros and 400 per month.

Prudent person may spend daily an equivalent of 5 euros or less on food in Krakow.

Student pass will take you anyplace within the city proper via Krakow’s extensive communal transport system for an equivalent of about 12 euros a month.


2 means ‘failed’. 3 means ‘sufficient’. 3.5 means ‘satisfactory’. 4 means ‘good’. 4.5 means ‘very good’. 5 means ‘excellent’.
Some courses end just with a pass or failure.

Visa and residence registration

Unlike tourists, foreigners studying in Poland need a visa from a Polish consulate in their country of residence unless they are citizens of the European Union's member state. Once in Krakow students should register the stay at their Polish address either through their landlord (dormitory management) or on their own with the municipal Census Department (Wydzial Ewidencji Ludnosci) at 10 Powstania Warszawskiego street on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays till 3:00 p.m. 

If necessary one may extend the visa before its expiration with the Department of Citizen Affairs and Foreigners (Wydzial Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemcow) 6 ul. Przy Rondzie street (ground floor) on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on other weekdays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. (mind your passport is valid at least 6 months beyond the date you want to stay and there is still a blank page for another visa stamp).

Selected facilitators of studies in Krakow.

Any following information has been provided by respective organizations on their sole responsibility. 

The Jagiellonia University Center for Polish Language and Culture in the World
welcomes to Polish language courses. The language curricula are complemented with lectures on Polish literature, theatre, film, society, history and art. We offer: 
– one-semester and one-year programs for foreigners 
– one-semester and one-year preparatory programs for students who intend to enroll in degree studies in Poland 
– Master-degree studies “Teaching Polish as a foreign and second language“ 
– post-graduate studies for teachers 
– workshops for language educators. 
Please visit: or e-mail: 

The Jagiellonian University School of Polish Language and Culture 
welcomes to
– summer courses for adults 
– summer youth camps 
– intensive two-weeks courses all year round 
– regular semester courses for adults and young learners 
– tailored programs for universities and institutions 
– preparatory  programs for students who intend to enroll in degree studies in Poland 
– preparatory programs for certificate exams 
– one-to-one tutoring
– on-line courses 
Please visit: or e-mail:

Krakow's Institutions of Higher Education

Schools in Krakow

Jagiellonian Library
Poland's oldest library boasts 4.5 million volumes and its unique collection of medieval manuscripts and ancient books contains tens of thousands priceless items.

Krakow University
Poland’s oldest university with Poland’s oldest university with its 6,700 faculty and over 42,000 students is the country’s second largest institution of higher education and the best one.

Collegium Maius
15th-century impressive Grand College of the Krakow university where Copernicus once studied.

Krakow Old Town Historical District
Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must-see in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants.

Krakow mathematicians bench

Apartments in Krakow for rent


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