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Miraculous Images of Krakow 

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Sacred Paintings and Sculptures in Krakow Churches 

Krakow’s churches shelter some 25 sacred images whose supernatural powers are well established. Probably the best known is picture of the Merciful Christ in the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, painted according to a vision of St. Faustyna Kowalska in 1931.  

Huge crucifix of Poland's queen-saint Jadwiga in the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow
The 14th-century crucifix of Queen-Saint Jadwiga in the Wawel Cathedral allegedly spoke to her.

Cross of the Black Christ in the Krakow Cathedral 

Yet the most visible of all miraculous images of Krakow is the 14th-century crucifix of Queen-Saint Jadwiga (Hedwig) in the tourist-swarmed Wawel Cathedral. This remarkable 13-foot-tall Gothic sculpture of The Savior allegedly spoke to the queen on several occasions. Later on the Holy See declared that hearing Mass here could release one soul from the purgatory each time.


Miraculous Mural in Krakow's Carmelite Church 

Our Lady of Piasek icon, painted by the end of the 15th century on the wall of once extramural Carmelite church of the Virgin Mary’s Annunciation at 19 Karmelicka street has been most admired among the historic paintings in Krakow. Tradition has it that a pious monk, who had only begun the fresco, found his work miraculously finished overnight and glowing with an unworldly light that gathered a crowd of bewildered spectators. Nowadays the place is well worth visiting for the splendid baroque of the quiet Lady Chapel if nothing else.

Our Lady of Piasek in Carmelite Church in Krakow

Krakow's other miracle pictures 

More sacred images with well-established reputation for making wonders on behalf of the faithful can be found in several churches in Krakow’s historic center. So, there is the consoling picture of the Sorrowful Mother of God in the chapel of the basilica of St. Francis’ at the Franciszkanska Street. At the same time, prayer before the high altar’s crucifix in the church of St. John’s at the Sw. Jana Street can help in freeing prisoners of war and hostages. While the Black Madonna icon in Our Lady of Czestochowa’s chapel of the basilica of the Virgin Mary’s at the Grand Square borrows its powers from Poland’s holiest image.

pilgrim guide to Krakow

The Christian pilgrim's guide to Krakow


Other Krakow Curios: 

Prettiest Leonardo da Vinci 

World's greatest medieval sculpture 

Subterranean wonder world 

Renaissance pearl 

Window of awe

Giant bell 

8-foot golden crown 

Signal trump 

Nativity beauties

Slavic God 

Krakow mummies 

Ice-age rhino

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